Source code for medigan.config_manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ! /usr/bin/env python
""" Config manager class that downloads, ingests, parses, and prepares the config information for all models. """

# Import python native libs
from __future__ import absolute_import

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path

# Import library internal modules
from .constants import (
from .utils import Utils

[docs]class ConfigManager: """`ConfigManager` class: Downloads, loads and parses medigan's config json as dictionary. Parameters ---------- config_dict: dict Optionally provides the config dictionary if already loaded and parsed in a previous process. is_new_download_forced: bool Flags, if True, that a new config file should be downloaded from the config link instead of parsing an existing file. Attributes ---------- config_dict: dict Optionally provides the config dictionary if already loaded and parsed in a previous process. is_new_download_forced: bool Flags, if True, that a new config file should be downloaded from the config link instead of parsing an existing file. model_ids: list Lists the unique id's of the generative models specified in the `config_dict` is_config_loaded: bool Flags if the loading and parsing of the config file was successful (True) or not (False). """ def __init__(self, config_dict: dict = None, is_new_download_forced: bool = False): self.config_dict = config_dict self.model_ids = [] self.is_config_loaded = False self.load_config_file(is_new_download_forced=is_new_download_forced)
[docs] def load_config_file(self, is_new_download_forced: bool = False) -> bool: """Load a config file and return boolean flag indicating success of loading process. If the config file is not present in `medigan.CONSTANTS.CONFIG_FILE_FOLDER`, it is per default downloaded from the web resource specified in `medigan.CONSTANTS.CONFIG_FILE_URL`. Parameters ---------- is_new_download_forced: bool Forces new download of config file even if the file has been downloaded before. Returns ------- bool a boolean flag indicating true only if the config file was loaded successfully. """ if self.config_dict is None: assert Utils.mkdirs( path_as_string=CONFIG_FILE_FOLDER ), f"The config folder was not found nor created in {CONFIG_FILE_FOLDER}." config_file_path = Path( f"{CONFIG_FILE_FOLDER}/{CONFIG_FILE_NAME_AND_EXTENSION}" ) try: if not Utils.is_file_located_or_downloaded( path_as_string=config_file_path, download_if_not_found=True, download_link=CONFIG_FILE_URL, is_new_download_forced=is_new_download_forced, ): error_string = ( f"The config file {CONFIG_FILE_NAME_AND_EXTENSION} was not found in {config_file_path} " f"nor downloaded from {CONFIG_FILE_URL}." ) logging.error(error_string) raise FileNotFoundError(error_string) except Exception as e: raise e self.config_dict = Utils.read_in_json(path_as_string=config_file_path) logging.debug(f"The parsed config dict: {self.config_dict} ") self.model_ids = [config for config in self.config_dict] logging.debug(f"The model_ids found in the config dict: {self.model_ids} ") self.is_config_loaded = True return self.is_config_loaded
[docs] def get_config_by_id(self, model_id: str, config_key: str = None) -> dict: """From `config_manager`, get and return the part of the config below a config_key for a specific `model_id`. The key param can contain '.' (dot) separations to allow for retrieval of nested config keys such as '' Parameters ---------- model_id: str The generative model's unique id config_key: str A key of interest present in the config dict Returns ------- dict a dictionary from the part of the config file corresponding to `model_id` and `config_key`. """ config_dict = self.config_dict[model_id] if config_key is not None: # Split the key string by "." to enable evaluation of keys that are in nested dicts config_key_split = config_key.split(".") for key in config_key_split: config_dict = config_dict[key] return config_dict
[docs] def add_model_to_config( self, model_id: str, metadata: dict, is_local_model: bool = True, overwrite_existing_metadata: bool = False, store_new_config: bool = True, ) -> bool: """Adding or updating a model entry in the global metadata. Parameters ---------- model_id: str The generative model's unique id metadata: dict The model's corresponding metadata is_local_model: bool flag indicating whether the tested model is a new local user model i.e not yet part of medigan's official models overwrite_existing_metadata: bool in case of `is_local_model`, flag indicating whether existing metadata for this model in medigan's `config/global.json` should be overwritten. store_new_config: bool flag indicating whether the current model metadata should be stored on disk i.e. in config/ Returns ------- bool Flag indicating whether model metadata update was successfully concluded """ if not self.is_model_metadata_valid( model_id=model_id, metadata=metadata, is_local_model=is_local_model ): logging.debug( f"{model_id}: Metadata was not added to config. Reason: metadata was not valid. Please revise and try again." ) return False if ( self.is_model_in_config(model_id=model_id) and not overwrite_existing_metadata ): logging.warning( f"{model_id}: Metadata was not added to config. Reason: For {model_id} there is already an entry in the metadata and 'overwrite_existing_metadata' was set to {overwrite_existing_metadata}." ) return False self.config_dict.update(metadata) if store_new_config: Utils.store_dict_as( dictionary=self.config_dict, output_path=f"{CONFIG_FILE_FOLDER}/{CONFIG_FILE_NAME_AND_EXTENSION}", ) f"{model_id}: Model metadata was added and config file ({CONFIG_FILE_FOLDER}/{CONFIG_FILE_NAME_AND_EXTENSION}) was successfully updated." ) else: f"{model_id}: Model metadata was successfully added. Note: config file ({CONFIG_FILE_FOLDER}/{CONFIG_FILE_NAME_AND_EXTENSION}) was NOT updated." ) return True
[docs] def is_model_in_config(self, model_id: str) -> bool: """Checking if a `model_id` is present in the global model metadata file Parameters ---------- model_id: str The generative model's unique id Returns ------- bool Flag indicating whether a `model_id` is present in global model metadata """ try: self.get_config_by_id(model_id) except KeyError as e: return False return True
[docs] def is_model_metadata_valid( self, model_id: str, metadata: dict, is_local_model: bool = True, ) -> bool: """Checking if a model's corresponding metadata is valid. Specific fields in the model's metadata are mandatory. It is asserted if these key value pairs are present. Parameters ---------- model_id: str The generative model's unique id metadata: dict The model's corresponding metadata is_local_model: bool flag indicating whether the tested model is a new local user model i.e not yet part of medigan's official models Returns ------- bool Flag indicating whether the specific model's metadata format and fields are valid """ try: # Assert metadata not None and the existence of the most important entries of the metadata nested below model_id assert ( metadata is not None ), f" {model_id}: Error validating metadata. metadata is None (metadata={metadata})." assert ( metadata[model_id] is not None ), f" {model_id}: Error validating metadata. metadata does not contain model_id ({model_id}). (metadata={metadata})." metadata = metadata[model_id] expected_key_list = (CONFIG_FILE_KEY_EXECUTION, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_SELECTION) assert all( keys in metadata for keys in expected_key_list ), f"{model_id}: Error validating metadata. metadata did not contain one of '{expected_key_list}'. Metadata : {metadata}" # Checking entries inside 'execution' dict metadata = metadata[CONFIG_FILE_KEY_EXECUTION] expected_key_list = ( CONFIG_FILE_KEY_PACKAGE_LINK, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_MODEL_EXTENSION, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_PACKAGE_NAME, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_MODEL_NAME, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_DEPENDENCIES, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE, ) assert all( keys in metadata for keys in expected_key_list ), f"{model_id}: Error validating metadata. metadata did not contain one of '{expected_key_list}'. Metadata : {metadata}" # Checking if package name is present package_name = metadata[CONFIG_FILE_KEY_PACKAGE_NAME] assert ( package_name is not None and package_name != "" ), f"{model_id}: Error validating metadata. The package name ({package_name}) is either not defined or an empty string. Please revise." package_path = Path(metadata[CONFIG_FILE_KEY_PACKAGE_LINK]) if is_local_model: if not (package_path.exists() and package_path.is_file()): # TODO: Optional additional validation: If the package path actually points to a valid zip, check if the expected model file can be found in that zip. assert ( package_path.exists() and package_path.is_dir() ), f"{model_id}: Error validating metadata. Your package path ({package_path}) does not exist. Please revise and make sure the entry for metadata field '{CONFIG_FILE_KEY_PACKAGE_LINK}' points to a valid folder or zip file containing your model." else: assert Utils.is_url_valid( the_url=package_path ), f"{model_id}: Error validating metadata. The package_path is not a valid url {package_path}. Please revise." # checking entries inside 'execution.generate_method' dict metadata = metadata[CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE] assert ( CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS in metadata ), f"{model_id}: Error validating metadata. It did not contain key '{CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS}'. Metadata: {metadata}" # checking entries inside 'execution.generate_method.args' dict metadata = metadata[CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS] assert ( CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS_BASE in metadata ), f"{model_id}: Error validating metadata. It did not contain key '{CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS_BASE}'. Metadata: {metadata}" # checking entries inside 'execution.generate_method.args.base' dict metadata = metadata[CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS_BASE] expected_key_list = ( CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS_MODEL_FILE, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS_NUM_SAMPLES, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS_OUTPUT_PATH, CONFIG_FILE_KEY_GENERATE_ARGS_SAVE_IMAGES, ) assert all( keys in metadata for keys in expected_key_list ), f"{model_id}: Error validating metadata. metadata did not contain one of '{expected_key_list}'. Metadata : {metadata}" except Exception as e:"Metadata for model '{model_id}' was not valid: {e}") return False return True
[docs] def match_model_id(self, provided_model_id: str) -> bool: """Replacing a model_id acronym (e.g. 00005 or 5) with the unique `model_id` present in the model metadata Parameters ---------- provided_model_id: str The user-provided model_id that might be shorter (e.g. "00005" or "5") than the real unique model id Returns ------- str If matched, returning the unique `model_id` present in global model metadata. """ # (1) quick check if model_id is in config. In this case no matching is needed. # (2) if the model id's length is >5, it comprises info different from the numeric id (e.g., 00001) and could # be ambiguous (e.g. PGGAN_CHEST). p_id_length = len(str(provided_model_id)) if ( not self.is_model_in_config(model_id=str(provided_model_id)) and p_id_length <= 5 and p_id_length > 0 ): for i in range(5 - p_id_length): # Adding zeros e.g., to allow matching and to avoid returning 01015 instead of 00015. provided_model_id = "0" + str(provided_model_id) for model_id in self.model_ids: if model_id[0:5] == str(provided_model_id): logging.debug( f"model_id[0:5]={model_id[0:5]}, provided_model_id={provided_model_id}. Matched: {model_id}" ) return model_id return provided_model_id
def __str__(self): return json.dumps(self.config_dict) def __repr__(self): return f"ConfigManager(model_ids={self.model_ids}, is_config_loaded={self.is_config_loaded})" def __len__(self): return len(self.config_dict) def __getitem__(self, idx: int): return list(self.config_dict)[idx]