Source code for medigan.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ! /usr/bin/env python
""" `Utils` class providing generalized reusable functions for I/O, parsing, sorting, type conversions, etc. """
# Import python native libs
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import time
import zipfile
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse  # python3

import numpy as np

# Import pypi libs
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class Utils: """Utils class containing reusable static methods.""" def __init__( self, ): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def mkdirs(path_as_string: str) -> bool: """create folder in `path_as_string` if not already created.""" if not os.path.exists(path_as_string): try: os.makedirs(path_as_string) return True except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Error while creating folders for path {path_as_string}: {e}" ) return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def is_file_located_or_downloaded( path_as_string: str, download_if_not_found: bool = True, download_link: str = None, is_new_download_forced: bool = False, allow_local_path_as_url: bool = True, ) -> bool: """check if is file in `path_as_string` and optionally download the file (again).""" if not path_as_string.is_file() or is_new_download_forced: if not download_if_not_found: # download_if_not_found is prioritized over is_new_download_forced in this case, as users likely # prefer to avoid automated downloads altogether when setting download_if_not_found to False. logging.warning( f"File {path_as_string} was not found ({not path_as_string.is_file()}) or download " f"was forced ({is_new_download_forced}). However, downloading it from {download_link} " f"was not allowed: download_if_not_found == {download_if_not_found}. This may cause an " f"error, as the file might be outdated or missing, while being used in subsequent " f"workflows." ) return False else: try: if allow_local_path_as_url and not Utils.is_url_valid( the_url=download_link ): Utils.copy( source_path=download_link, target_path=os.path.split(path_as_string)[0], ) else: Utils.download_file( path_as_string=path_as_string, download_link=download_link ) except Exception as e: raise e return True
[docs] @staticmethod def download_file( download_link: str, path_as_string: str, file_extension: str = ".json" ): """download a file using the `requests` lib and store in `path_as_string`""" logging.debug(f"Now downloading file {path_as_string} from {download_link} ...") try: for i in range(10): response = requests.get( download_link, allow_redirects=True, stream=True ) total_size_in_bytes = int( response.headers.get("content-length", 0) ) # / (32 * 1024) # 32*1024 bytes received by requests. logging.debug(total_size_in_bytes) block_size = 1024 progress_bar = tqdm( total=total_size_in_bytes, unit="B", unit_scale=True, position=0, leave=True, ascii=True, ) progress_bar.set_description(f"Downloading {download_link}") with open(path_as_string, "wb") as file: for data in response.iter_content(block_size): progress_bar.update(len(data)) file.write(data) logging.debug( f"Received response {response}: Retrieved file from {download_link} and wrote it " f"to {path_as_string}." ) try: if not ( download_link.endswith(file_extension) and Path(path_as_string).is_file() and str(path_as_string).endswith(file_extension) ): # If we do not download a json file (global.json), we assume a zip and want to check if the downloaded zip is valid. zipfile.ZipFile(path_as_string, "r") break except Exception as e: print(e) logging.debug( f"Download failed. Retrying download from {download_link}" ) except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Error while trying to download/copy from {download_link} to {path_as_string}:{e}" ) raise e
[docs] @staticmethod def read_in_json(path_as_string) -> dict: """read a .json file and return as dict""" try: with open(path_as_string) as f: json_file = json.load(f) return json_file except Exception as e: logging.error( f"Error while reading in json file from {path_as_string}: {e}" ) raise e
[docs] @staticmethod def unzip_archive(source_path: Path, target_path: str = "./"): """unzip a .zip archive in the `target_path`""" try: with zipfile.ZipFile(source_path, "r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(target_path) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while unzipping {source_path}: {e}") raise e
[docs] @staticmethod def unzip_and_return_unzipped_path(package_path: str): """if not already dir, unzip an archive with `Utils.unzip_archive`. Return path to unzipped dir/file""" if Path(package_path).is_file() and package_path.endswith(".zip"): # Get the source_path without .zip extension to unzip. package_path_unzipped = package_path[0:-4] # We have a zip. Let's unzip and do the same operation (with new path) Utils.unzip_archive( source_path=package_path, target_path_as_string=package_path_unzipped ) return package_path_unzipped elif Path(package_path).is_dir(): f"Your package path ({package_path}) does already point to a directory. It was not unzipped." ) return package_path else: raise Exception( f"Your package path ({package_path}) does not point to a zip file nor directory. Please adjust and try again." )
[docs] @staticmethod def copy(source_path: Path, target_path: str = "./"): """copy a folder or file from `source_path` to `target_path`""" try: if Path(source_path).is_file(): shutil.copy2(src=source_path, dst=target_path) else: copy_tree(src=source_path, dst=target_path) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error while copying {source_path} to {target_path}: {e}") raise e
[docs] @staticmethod def dict_to_lowercase(target_dict: dict, string_conversion: bool = True) -> dict: """transform values and keys in dict to lowercase, optionally with string conversion of the values. Warning: Does not convert nested dicts in the `target_dict`, but rather removes them from return object. """ if string_conversion: # keys should always be strings per default. values might differ in type. return dict((k.lower(), str(v).lower()) for k, v in target_dict.items()) else: return dict((k.lower(), v.lower()) for k, v in target_dict.items())
[docs] @staticmethod def list_to_lowercase(target_list: list) -> list: """string conversion and lower-casing of values in list. trade-off: String conversion for increased robustness > type failure detection """ return [str(x).lower() for x in target_list]
[docs] @staticmethod def deep_get(base_dict: dict, key: str): """Split the key by "." to get value in nested dictionary.""" try: key_split = key.split(".") for key_ in key_split: base_dict = base_dict[key_] return base_dict except TypeError as e: logging.debug( f"No key ({key}) found in base_dict ({base_dict}) for this model. Fallback: Returning None." ) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def is_url_valid(the_url: str) -> bool: """Checks if a url is valid using urllib.parse.urlparse""" try: result = urlparse(the_url) # testing if both result.scheme and result.netloc are non-empty strings (empty strings evaluate to False). return all([result.scheme, result.netloc]) except Exception: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def has_more_than_n_diff_pixel_values(img: np.ndarray, n: int = 4) -> bool: """This function checks whether an image contains more than n different pixel values. This helps to differentiate between segmentation masks and actual images. """ import torch torch_img = torch.from_numpy(img) pixel_values_set = set(torch_img.flatten().tolist()) if len(pixel_values_set) > n: return True else: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def split_images_masks_and_labels( data: list, num_samples: int, max_nested_arrays: int = 2 ) -> [list, list, list, list]: """Separates the data (sample, mask, other_imaging_data, label) returned by a generative model This functions expects a list of tuples as input `data` and assumes that each tuple contains sample, mask, other_imaging_data, label at index positions [0], [1], [2], and [3] respectively. samples, masks, and imaging data are expected to be of type np.ndarray and labels of type "str". For example, this extendable function assumes that, in data, a mask follows the image that it corresponds to or vice versa. """ samples = [] masks = [] other_imaging_output = [] labels = [] # if data is smaller than the number of samples that should have been generated, then data likely contains a nested array. # We go a maximum of max_nested_arrays deep into the data. counter = 0 while len(data) < num_samples and isinstance(data, list): data = data[0] counter = counter + 1 if counter >= max_nested_arrays: break for data_point in data: logging.debug(f"data_point: {data_point}") if isinstance(data_point, tuple): for i, item in enumerate(data_point): if isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and i == 0: samples.append(item) elif isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and i == 1: masks.append(item) elif isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and i == 2: other_imaging_output.append(item) elif isinstance(item, str): labels.append(item) elif isinstance(data_point, np.ndarray): # An image is expected in the case no tuple is returned samples.append(data_point) masks = None if len(masks) == 0 else masks other_imaging_output = ( None if len(other_imaging_output) == 0 else other_imaging_output ) labels = None if len(labels) == 0 else labels return samples, masks, other_imaging_output, labels
[docs] @staticmethod def split_images_and_masks_no_ordering( data: list, num_samples: int, max_nested_arrays: int = 2 ) -> [np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Extracts and separates the masks from the images if a model returns both in the same np.ndarray. This extendable function assumes that, in data, a mask follows the image that it corresponds to or vice versa. - This function is deprecated. Please use `split_images_masks_and_labels` instead. """ images = [] masks = [] # if data is smaller than the number of samples that should have been generated, then data likely contains a nested array. # We go a maximum of max_nested_arrays deep into the data. counter = 0 while len(data) < num_samples: data = data[0] counter = counter + 1 if counter >= max_nested_arrays: break for data_point in data: logging.debug(f"data_point {data_point}") if isinstance(data_point, tuple): for i, sample in enumerate(data_point): if ( isinstance(i, np.ndarray) and "int" in str(i.dtype) and not Utils.has_more_than_n_diff_pixel_values(i) ): # Check if numpy array that contains integers instead of floats indicates the presence of a mask masks.append(i) elif Utils.has_more_than_n_diff_pixel_values(i): images.append(i) elif ( isinstance(data_point, np.ndarray) and "int" in str(data_point.dtype) and not Utils.has_more_than_n_diff_pixel_values(data_point) ): masks.append(data_point) else: images.append(data_point) masks = None if len(masks) == 0 else masks return images, masks
[docs] @staticmethod def order_dict_by_value( dict_list, key: str, order: str = "asc", sort_algorithm="bubbleSort" ) -> list: """Sorting a list of dicts by the values of a specific key in the dict using a sorting algorithm. - This function is deprecated. You may use Python List sort() with key=lambda function instead. """ if sort_algorithm == "bubbleSort": for i in range(len(dict_list)): for j in range(len(dict_list) - i - 1): if dict_list[j][key] > dict_list[j + 1][key]: # no need for a temp variable holder dict_list[j][key], dict_list[j + 1][key] = ( dict_list[j + 1][key], dict_list[j][key], ) return dict_list
[docs] @staticmethod def is_file_in(folder_path: str, filename: str) -> bool: """Checks if a file is inside a folder""" try: if ( Path(folder_path).is_dir() and Path(f"{folder_path}/{filename}").is_file() ): return True except Exception as e: logging.warning(f"File ({filename}) was not found in {folder_path}: {e}") return False
[docs] @staticmethod def store_dict_as( dictionary, extension: str = ".json", output_path: str = "config/", filename: str = "metadata.json", ): """store a Python dictionary in file system as variable filetype.""" if extension not in output_path: Utils.mkdirs(path_as_string=output_path) if extension not in filename: filename = filename + extension output_path = f"{output_path}/{filename}" json_object = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4) with open(output_path, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(json_object)
[docs] @staticmethod def call_without_removable_params( my_callable, removable_param_values: list = [None], **params ): """call a callable without passing parameters that contain any of the removable_param_values as value.""" not_removed_params = params for removable_param_value in removable_param_values: if removable_param_value is None: not_removed_params = { k: v for k, v in not_removed_params.items() if v is not removable_param_value } else: not_removed_params = { k: v for k, v in not_removed_params.items() if v != removable_param_value } logging.debug( f"call_without_removable_params final params: {not_removed_params}" ) return my_callable(**not_removed_params)
def __len__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __getitem__(self, idx: int): raise NotImplementedError